Thought I'd better let people know that my neck is fine. Thanks for the concerned replies. I went to the doctor after taking my car in for its WOF. Sat for an hour and a half before being seen, but hey. Nothing damaged, just something akin to whiplash, wore a soft neck brace for half a day before I got pissed off with it and took it off. Went to work again on Tuesday, feeling absolutely honky dory again now. I AM following doctor's orders though and NOT going snowboarding this weekend. Waiting until next weekend. Which means I'm a little at a loose end. *sigh*
Maybe that means I'll get more of my NaNo novel done, since I haven't really written that much more on it since last weekend.
I hate school. It eats the rest of my life. That and procrastination. I'm just not in a writing mood, I guess, more of a reading mood. I'd rather curl up with a good book than sit writing for ages. Meh. I'll MAKE myself. I'm writing now... if I just channel THIS energy into my novel I should be fine.
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