Incredibly, stinking hot

It has been an incredibly, stinking hot week all around.

We got back from Masterton on Sunday after driving the whole day. Monday
was a write-off as I was just exhausted, and today I had to travel into
town (went by bus) then power-walk through the heat to get to my
appointment on time. I had forgotten to change out of my jeans into
something cooler, so by the time I'd made it from Victoria Street to
Grafton I was red, hot, thirsty, and out-of-breath. I only had 15
minutes to make the walk (love it when buses are late), so I thought it
best not to wait for a Link bus to take me there in comfort.

And now?

I'm finding it hard to concentrate. I've got a video re-rendering
because for some reason the quality was all crap when I did it the first
time (all the others are fine, just this one messed up on me... argh).

And I'm complaining.

So I'm gonna shut up now. :)


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