I wonder...

If it had something to do with the fact that there was a character it couldn’t insert in the email, in the form of a smiley face?

Post by email suddenly not working?

Weird. Suddenly the post by email feature doesn't appear to be working. If it does suddenly kick in, you might see two more copies of this post that I'm pasting in here manually:


Order: a bullet, please, and make it snappy

Sorry about the title, but I’ve just taken some pills for a headache. Ouch. Damelza came and visited this weekend and it was great. She helped me out in the classroom SO much, and even sat with me in the bedroom while I cleaned it. It’s so nice just to have company when you’re doing those sorts of things.

I just turned my head to think about what to write next and my gaze rested on my skis. I’m going skiing again in two weeks, weather permitting. I’m so excited. I love skiing. And I get to see Damelza again. Double woot.

Right, so what else have I been up to lately? Hmmm. I was pretty ill last week, some sort of tummy bug which had me feeling nauseated from Tuesday onwards. I never actually threw up, for which I am very grateful to my body, but I certainly didn’t eat much during that time and I’ve lost weight. I’m eating a bit better again now, but Duncan commented that I hadn’t eaten much last night and tonight, even though I’m feeling better. Meh.

I’ve been enjoying watching the Olympics so much. Yay for New Zealand – three golds, a silver and five bronzes. Not bad for a little country! Too bad Beatrice threw a hissy fit just because she couldn’t perform very well. Pah, grow up. Yay for Mahe Drysdale, who deserves much kudos for his performance to get a bronze medal when he was still ill. That was a grammatically dodgy sentence, but hey. And the rest of the NZ team, those who won medals and those who went and just did their best – hoorah to you! I even got to cheer a few times for the German team, when there was a lack of NZers to cheer for, but being NZ television, we didn’t always get to see the other countries winning, especially if there was a Kiwi competing in a different sport at the same time. Oooh, I quite enjoyed watching the table tennis and was happy that Ma Lin (or Lin Ma? Do they put their last names first?) won, as he just seemed like a much nicer player than Wang Hao who seemed very aggressive and angry. I was also very impressed with China’s performance in the rhythmic gymnastics and glad they got a silver. I thought they were better than the Russian team, but that’s just my uneducated opinion. Not that China needed any more golds! J

I think I might go lie down until my head stops pounding. Gotta be awake for the closing ceremony tonight, which starts at midnight our time, I think.

Order: a bullet, please, and make it snappy

Sorry about the title, but I’ve just taken some pills for a headache. Ouch. Damelza came and visited this weekend and it was great. She helped me out in the classroom SO much, and even sat with me in the bedroom while I cleaned it. It’s so nice just to have company when you’re doing those sorts of things.

I just turned my head to think about what to write next and my gaze rested on my skis. I’m going skiing again in two weeks, weather permitting. I’m so excited. I love skiing. And I get to see Damelza again. Double woot.

Right, so what else have I been up to lately? Hmmm. I was pretty ill last week, some sort of tummy bug which had me feeling nauseated from Tuesday onwards. I never actually threw up, for which I am very grateful to my body, but I certainly didn’t eat much during that time and I’ve lost weight. I’m eating a bit better again now, but Duncan commented that I hadn’t eaten much last night and tonight, even though I’m feeling better. Meh.

I’ve been enjoying watching the Olympics so much. Yay for New Zealand – three golds, a silver and five bronzes. Not bad for a little country! Too bad Beatrice threw a hissy fit just because she couldn’t perform very well. Pah, grow up. Yay for Mahe Drysdale, who deserves much kudos for his performance to get a bronze medal when he was still ill. That was a grammatically dodgy sentence, but hey. And the rest of the NZ team, those who won medals and those who went and just did their best – hoorah to you! I even got to cheer a few times for the German team, when there was a lack of NZers to cheer for, but being NZ television, we didn’t always get to see the other countries winning, especially if there was a Kiwi competing in a different sport at the same time. Oooh, I quite enjoyed watching the table tennis and was happy that Ma Lin (or Lin Ma? Do they put their last names first?) won, as he just seemed like a much nicer player than Wang Hao who seemed very aggressive and angry. I was also very impressed with China’s performance in the rhythmic gymnastics and glad they got a silver. I thought they were better than the Russian team, but that’s just my uneducated opinion. Not that China needed any more golds! J

I think I might go lie down until my head stops pounding. Gotta be awake for the closing ceremony tonight, which starts at midnight our time, I think.

Order: a bullet, please, and make it snappy

Sorry about the title, but I’ve just taken some pills for a headache. Ouch. Damelza came and visited this weekend and it was great. She helped me out in the classroom SO much, and even sat with me in the bedroom while I cleaned it. It’s so nice just to have company when you’re doing those sorts of things.

I just turned my head to think about what to write next and my gaze rested on my skis. I’m going skiing again in two weeks, weather permitting. I’m so excited. I love skiing. And I get to see Damelza again. Double woot.

Right, so what else have I been up to lately? Hmmm. I was pretty ill last week, some sort of tummy bug which had me feeling nauseated from Tuesday onwards. I never actually threw up, for which I am very grateful to my body, but I certainly didn’t eat much during that time and I’ve lost weight. I’m eating a bit better again now, but Duncan commented that I hadn’t eaten much last night and tonight, even though I’m feeling better. Meh.

I’ve been enjoying watching the Olympics so much. Yay for New Zealand – three golds, a silver and five bronzes. Not bad for a little country! Too bad Beatrice threw a hissy fit just because she couldn’t perform very well. Pah, grow up. Yay for Mahe Drysdale, who deserves much kudos for his performance to get a bronze medal when he was still ill. That was a grammatically dodgy sentence, but hey. And the rest of the NZ team, those who won medals and those who went and just did their best – hoorah to you! I even got to cheer a few times for the German team, when there was a lack of NZers to cheer for, but being NZ television, we didn’t always get to see the other countries winning, especially if there was a Kiwi competing in a different sport at the same time. Oooh, I quite enjoyed watching the table tennis and was happy that Ma Lin (or Lin Ma? Do they put their last names first?) won, as he just seemed like a much nicer player than Wang Hao who seemed very aggressive and angry. I was also very impressed with China’s performance in the rhythmic gymnastics and glad they got a silver. I thought they were better than the Russian team, but that’s just my uneducated opinion. Not that China needed any more golds! J

I think I might go lie down until my head stops pounding. Gotta be awake for the closing ceremony tonight, which starts at midnight our time, I think.

Six word stories

Hemingway was once challenged to write a story in only six words. His response? “For sale: baby shoes, never worn.” He is believed to have called it his greatest literary work ever. Can you write a story in six words?

It wasn’t easy ending the world. – M. Laidlaw

What’s your six word story?

Found this on Spare Room


Fun little quiz on whether you can guess the 100 most common words in the English language in 5 minutes. I got 46, and that was with Duncan helping. I don’t do well under pressure, I tend to freeze up. So, despite the fact that I’m a primary school teacher and should know these words, I sort of was very little use in this exercise and Duncan was struggling along standing behind me giving me suggestions while I stared blankly. Hahaha. I hate time trials. But it’s fun anyway.

And what I mean by Spare Room is www.spareroom.co.nz

Rather disconnected update

I went up to my parents’ place this past weekend to help out around the farm. Got to climb up and balance on a beam and a ladder on the roof of the polyhouse and nail some bits of wood. Also helped out with other stuffs. I was sick recently, and on Friday had to be driven home at lunch time. I curled up on the couch, was fed by my kind flatmate, then slept for four hours. By the time I woke up the world was a much better place, as I no longer felt the insane need to put a bullet through my brain.

What else…?

Oh, I got to do a presentation today for our cluster (five of the schools in our area make up our ‘cluster’). I was meant to be presenting with Jo, but she came down really ill and couldn’t make it. Fortunately, she managed to send me the presentation that she had prepared, and I used quite a bit of it in my presentation. All in all it was reasonably successful, I think. I’m just so glad it’s over. I had to do the presentation twice for two groups of people. The second group was mainly people from my school, which was nice.

Now I’m feeling brain dead.

There are a million other things that I meant to post about, but I can never seem to remember when it actually comes around to doing this.

Oh, I’m starting another painting. My biggest canvas so far and I’ve just painted it black. I threatened to keep it like that and just call it ‘night’, but I won’t. I haven’t decided what I’m going to do with it yet. I also have seven smaller canvases that I’m working on.

I keep getting hiccups. It’s very annoying.

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