Moodle 2.0 files system

I have been reading some threads on and the bug tracker about the 2.0 files system. There are quite a few people who think the same as me - that it may be better from a developer's point of view, because it means less headaches for backups/security etc... but from a usability point of view? Forget it. If I show a teacher the current files system and try explaining where their files are and how they work... it actually fills me with dread. Because I can see the light disappearing from their eyes already, and Moodle being filed in a "too hard basket". I'm nearly at that point myself with 2.0, and I'm a user who is technologically literate, adaptable, and an avid supporter of Moodle.

I don't want to reply on the threads myself because I'm just gonna end up swearing at someone. Because the first person to reply to me who is obviously a developer, and not a teacher, will NOT put me in my happy place.


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